Monday 30 September 2013

Monday Slideshow (Sept #4)

As the school holidays are still in full swing here, there has been no reno work going on in this lil housey, yayyy!  And therefore no reno posts to blog about.  But we sure have been busy despite the reno-respite!

Because the last two sets of school term breaks were when we were in 'full time reno-mode', we didn't realise how many different programs are put on by various companies and businesses here in the Ville and I must say I am really impressed.  I am trying to fit in as many activities with the children as I possibly can.  And we are all loving it! But we are also enjoying the late, lazy starts and no school runs in the car too! Yayyy again! 
As our visitors left on Saturday, we thought after a morning of housework on Sunday we would have lunch then head off on a mini hike up through the Conservation Park at Cape Pallarenda.  The girls LOVE to go exploring and couldn't wait to see this new area.  As we parked the car we noticed the smell of smoke, then as we got out we could hear the sound of the dry grass crackling and burning.  As we ventured towards the beach we could see the smoke billowing into the bright blue sky and realised our hike wasn't going to happen.  A bushfire was in full force just over the hill right where we were headed. 
The pictures (from my phone) don't do it justice
It had only just taken hold when we arrived because the couple under that blue and yellow sun umbrella were on the phone to 000 as we approached.
I have added a filter here so that you can see the line of fire a bit clearer .
Poppy, bless her, was just happy that she could spend a few minutes to collect as many shells as she could carry, despite the plumes of smoke overhead and black embers falling from the sky.
Even though we didn't stick around long, my eyes were already stinging terribly, so we headed back to town and put plan B into action.
So instead of a hike we took a leisurely walk around the third of the Botanic Gardens we have here in the Ville, Anderson Gardens.  It is only round the corner from where we live so it's nice and close by and makes for a lovely, relaxing walk through the beautiful trees and gardens.

 The ducks were clearly fed up with pond water, they were queuing for the cold, fresh water from the bubbler..
You can see why many people don't believe us that there's almost 5 years difference between these two gorgeous girls.
  The temperature felt 10 degrees cooler under the canopy of this impressive mass of bamboo.  It was beautiful.

And that's it was a gorgeous walk and one we shall be doing again soon, next time with our dog and maybe some bread for all the ducks.

Once school is back next week, I shall be cracking on with some outstanding projects (including heading back to the tip shop for one of those casement window/mirrors I was talking about last time here) and hopefully the blog updates will be back on track with actual reno business.  Until then, have a great week everyone!



  1. Replies
    1. They were quite orderly ducks too, lounging by the bubbler like they were hanging out on the 'duck latte strip' ;-)

      Cheers, Col
